Internet Closed Captioning Complaint Form Now Available
Lisa Rose
2012-11-23 18:28:31 UTC
Attention you who have had an interest in OR are working on closed
On January 12, 2012, the FCC adopted rules requiring captioned programs
shown on TV to be captioned when re-shown on the Internet. These rules
implement provisions of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video
Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA).
The FCC recently modified its complaint form 2000C. You can now use this
form to file complaints about closed captioning of TV programs re-shown on the
Internet. If you wish to file a complaint on this issue, please complete
form 2000C online at
Before filing your complaint, please check the following schedule to
determine whether the TV program you viewed on the Internet must be
The following deadlines apply to video programming that a distributor shows
for the first time on the Internet (newly added to the distributor's inventory
September 30, 2012: Pre-recorded video programming that is not edited for
the Internet must be captioned on the Internet if it has been shown on TV
with captions since September 30, 2012. Edited for the Internet means the
TV version has been substantially edited. Examples of such editing are:
deleting scenes or altering musical scores. (Changing the number or duration
of commercials is not considered editing for this purpose.)
March 30, 2013: Live and near-live video programming must be captioned on
the Internet if it is shown on TV with captions on or after March 30, 2013.
Near-live video programming is programming that is performed and recorded less
than 24 hours before being shown on TV for the first time.
September 30, 2013: Pre-recorded video programming that is substantially
edited for the Internet must be captioned if it is shown on TV with captions
on or after September 30, 2013.
This schedule and more information about the FCCs rules on video
programming delivered over the Internet are summarized in the FCC Consumer
http://www.fcc.gov/guides/captioning-internet-video-programming (HTML)
http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/captionsinternet.pdf (PDF)
For questions regarding the filing of complaints, you may contact the
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